kl ad yg membaca ini n bisa membantu tolong ya....hehehe,....
menurut gw ini blog plg std yg pernah ad...hehehee.....
jd gw minta tolong bg yg ngerti bt ajarin gw gm cr bkn yg bgs...ambil skin dr mana n ap aj crnya...ehhehe......
About me...
- stanley
- I like sport,movie,politic,photography,quotes,chat,etc... Kt teman2 gw ,gw itu anak yg usil,iseng,and ngmng lgsng to the point,jd suka nancep...heheheh...tp mang kenyataan itu pait..jd y gw ngomong aj apa adanya...hehehhe .....Buat smua hal2 yg d atas.gw minta maaf ye...hehehe... ...Soal hal2 baik ya gak gw tulis de...ntar d blg gw narsis...hehehe... I like many quotes because it bring motivation and inspiration for the readers.. thats why there is a lot of quote in my blog...
cai.. klo mo ambil skin dr blogskins.com aja.. buanyak pilihannya,
ReplyDeletentar bisa edit dr html nya.. bisa macem2 de.. seru juga. hahaha..
pasang lagu jg oke dr imeem..
ud gtu ap lagi y..
yaaaa gtu deh cai main2in htmlnya..
link2in orang.. hehehe!
hwhhw...tp gw g gt ngerti ttg html...hehehe..gw ud coba2 tp malah tidak muncul...pdhl sudah gw tabahin d edit html..hwhwhwh..y sdh nanti gw cb2 lg...hehehe...thanks...ato kl gak lueditin bt gw...hehehe